Black cumin belongs to the buttercup family and has the Latin name Nigella sativa. The annual, herbaceous plant grows up to 50 centimeters high and is originally native to Western Asia, especially Iraq and Turkey, but also grows easily in Southern Europe, North Africa and India.
In the plant there are more than one hundred ingredients that balance the immune system. The seeds of the plant are used. They contain high concentrations of essential oils, such as the antioxidant thymoquinone, and polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega-6 fatty acids and omega-9 fatty acids, more than half of which is linoleic acid. These fatty acids play a key role in immune defense and in the inflammatory process. In addition, there are other valuable substances such as B vitamins and folic acid, as well as important amino acids such as arginine.
Already in ancient times, black cumin was known not only as a spice, but also as a remedy for weakness, respiratory diseases, inflammations and skin problems in Europe, Asia and North Africa, for example in the Pharaonic Empire. The plant is also mentioned in the Holy Scriptures, in the Koran and by Paracelsus. Charlemagne promoted the cultivation of black cumin, as it could be used for many diseases prevalent at the time. Soon displaced in Europe by pharmaceutical products, black cumin has remained an indispensable natural medicine in Arab and Asian medicine to this day. Only in the last twenty years also in Europe again a recollection of this various welfare plant took place. The effect on asthma, hay fever, neurodermatitis, rheumatism, as well as support in cancer treatment and the relief of various other diseases have now also been scientifically proven by numerous studies.
Black cumin – areas of application
As a dietary supplement, black cumin is available in the form of capsules and tablets. Black cumin oil is also available, but it has a strong taste and may cause problems for sensitive stomachs, so the tablet form is usually preferred.
The many uses for which black seed can be used, both as a preventative and as a supportive treatment, makes it a valuable food and a natural remedy for children, adults and the elderly.
Black cumin can be taken as a preventative against hay fever to reduce symptoms, and as a winter cure for colds. It reduces inflammation in atopic dermatitis and can improve breathing in asthma. It also has a soothing effect on chronic intestinal inflammation, flatulence and headaches. The medicinal plant lowers blood sugar as well as cholesterol level and improves fat metabolism, therefore it is a good support to reduce overweight. Black cumin is also a useful supplement in the treatment of rheumatic and cardiovascular diseases. It is also used to prevent skin aging.
For a health-promoting effect, a high-quality black cumin product is important. Only cold-pressed, natural oil contains the appropriate active ingredients.